Feeding by fabrics in rolls. Feeding of the fabric driven by control
panel (forward run/stop/backward run). Opaque lighted checking table
or white Formica table. External lighting by one ceiling lamp, that
is parallel to the checking table. Motorization of the unwinding
cylinders, controlled by inverter. Detection of the fabric length
by Encoder device, that is interfaced with programmable counter-meters
Display. Feeding speed adjustable from 0 to 60mt/min. by potentiometer
on the control panel. Rolling device on self-centering movable trolley.
Independent motorization of the rolling cylinders, driven by Inverter,
with possibility of adjustment of the fabric stretching and of the
roll hardness. Motorization of the movable trolley, controlled by
inverter (The shifting speed changes according to the feeding speed
). Selection for rolls packaging from the unwiding cylinders. Extractable
electric cutter with hand-shifting, installed on the inlet or outlet
guide of the rolls. Differentiated collecting of the rolls containing
the packing material by two cradles under the unwiding cylinders.
drive for the packaging of the rolls by footboard with three positions
OPTIONAL inclinable checking
table, Fabric cutting machine on linear motorized guide, interfaced
with the printer for labels METROTEX. (Cylinders table from
2200 mm)